Hungry like a wolf

It’s the first day in this spring time when temperatures soared over 20 degrees and enjoying to the full today. Fuck TV fuck Monaco Formula 1 fuck all, I’m staying in the sunshine 😎.

Time (and life) is flying.. it was only the other day (one year ago) when I made my trip to Europe to attend a very rewarding game of football, and in just 2 more sleeps I will be attending my second final in Budapest.

Since my last post I’ve created and pursuit so many ideas can’t even mention. Working at the moment on a very rewarding project, with ticket for the final being my price pot.

There is some shit hot music around right now, with my mood swinging from old school punk to electronic to good old rock n roll.

When I think of things of the past now I’ve took on the habit of lifting my middle finger 🖕.

Enjoying some forced time off ATM, so don’t really give shit at what comes, as long as it keeps me in good spirit.

Just been interrupted on writing this post by my mum on the phone.. nice and pleasant break from my extremely loud sunny punk afternoon

Life is fking great after all. 🤟

  • Listening to: Iggy Pop, Sleaford Mods, Amyl and the sniffers. Waiting for QOTSA new relwas mid June 😱
  • Reading: fuck all
  • Watching: Air crash investigations still
  • Playing: with my life
  • Eating: Pizza, and whatever is available in the fridge really
  • Drinking: Stella, Skol, vodka lemon
  • Working on: , next