happy new year

nice to find some time to post. festive season gone, good stuff out of it both socially and personally. 2018 looks good on the paper. last year at this time i was in thailand having a good time, this time had to skip winter holiday. better safe than sorry and anyway i think a good trip every couple of years is even more fun to organize. wish i could afford every year of course but with my day business can’t really take too much time off. i already do it anyway. been playing with google photos animations recently and made some funny gifs. it demonstrates it’s worth taking more than a shot sometimes. i’ve added a gifs section in my artwork, check it out.

just moved installation on the new server, so artwork gallery is broken. will fix and may be give a fresh look to it.

happy new year.


  • Listening to: Ibiza Global
  • Reading: my future
  • Watching: no much on tv right now
  • Playing: mafia 3, need for speed payout
  • Eating: detox stuff
  • Drinking: moderate. beer, wine, some good gin